Every Buyer Should Consider these 7 best things to purchase a new laptop in 2022

7 minute read

 Buying a New Laptop Is the more difficult job ever and if you want to purchase a new laptop you have to consider many things to buy it 

Because there are many options available in laptops in every budget segment and you can get the best specs ever 

So today’s topic is what are the main things that you have to consider before buying a new laptop for you 

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Ask Yourself Why Are you buying a new laptop?

Any New Buyer has this question in his mind before he is going to buy a new laptop is how he can buy the perfect laptop for him.

All the peoples have many types of recruitment and expectations to their new laptop and they want to purchase a better laptop for them. 

To purchase a better laptop for you, you have to ask yourself why you are purchasing a new laptop and what is your purpose to buy it 

If you are clear about it then you will select the best laptop within a few minutes but you are not clear about it. Then it can be a difficult task for you 

But Don’t worry about it because we are here to solve your problem and get a better laptop for you 

Let’s Talk about the things that you should have considered before buying a new laptop in any budget segment 

What Are the main things that a new buyer should consider?

A new buyer should consider mainly five to six things to buy a new laptop for him and what are these things let’s discuss about it 

The Things are 

  • Laptop Storage Type/Quantity 
  • Laptop Processor 
  • Ram
  • Battery 
  • Weight
  • Ports and Buttons
  • Graphics Card

These are the main things that you have to focus on to get the new and best laptop without increasing your budget. 

But remember there can be many important things you can consider but we are suggesting some basic requirements. So let’s talk about these things in depth 

Laptop StorageType/Quantity 

Storage is the main thing that you have to consider before buying a new laptop either you are buying a gaming laptop or a productivity laptop 

Storage is too much important a factor that you have to consider. If you have more storage you can store more data on a laptop

But there are mainly two types of storage that we can get in our new laptop and both are different from each other. Let’s discuss types of storage 

Types Of Storage in a Laptop 

Hard Disk Drive- If you buy a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) based laptop you can get more storage as compared to another one 

But you have to compromise in your laptop boot up and application open time because hard disk drive performs slowly as compared to SSD. 

If you have less budget and want more storage then you can purchase a Hard Disk Drive Based laptop. Because HDD is Cheaper than SSD 

Solid State Drive- Solid State Drive can be another option for you and There are also two types of Solid State Drive (SSD) are available in Laptop Market 

First is SATA SSD and second is Nvme SSD both are good for users who want a fast laptop but also SSD’s prices are high as compared to hard disk drive 

But if you want a good performance laptop then you have to go with Solid State Drive and want a cheap Budget Storage you can go with Hard Disk Drive 

These are the two types of Storage Devices that you have to consider in your new laptop but if you get both on a laptop you can purchase the laptop. So let’s talk about our second thing which is our processor 


A processor is the soul of any laptop and how much better your laptop can perform all depends on your processor. 

But the question is how can you choose a perfect processor for you that fits your budget and your need

We are taking an example to get a basic understanding about processors so if your budget is 40k and it's a normal budget that every new buyer consider 

In your budget, you have to try to find out the latest generation processor and also can perform your daily tasks 

In this budget, you can consider the intel core i3 11th gen processor and other AMD ryzen 3 processors. If you are not a gamer then I recommend you purchase an Intel processor 

Because intel processors perform best on a day to day tasks like browsing, watching videos on youtube, and you can run productivity software like photoshop, Microsoft word and excel, etc.

You can get more knowledge about processors via visiting this external link 


Random Access Memory (Ram) Is the Third best important thing to consider to get a better laptop in your budget but many people ignore it.

But you can’t ignore RAM in your laptop you have to purchase a better frequency ram and a laptop minimum ram should be 4GB to 8GB 

It can vary on your budget like how much money you are spending on your laptop.

If your budget is 30k or more you have to get 4GB and 32oo mgh ram in your laptop and you can easily get them.

To get more information about ram selection in ram I will prefer you to go with this link 


The battery is one of the most important things that you have to consider to buy a new laptop. Because most of the people purchase a laptop for their office and professional work. 

And if you buy a low battery capacity laptop then you can face problems in your work like you work eight hours in your office and your laptop battery is only five hours. 

In this case, you have to carry a laptop charger and charge it twice a day. But if your laptop has enough battery capacity then you can skip your laptop charger at home and enjoy your whole day in your office 

An average battery capacity that you should buy is eight to ten hours and laptops are easily available in this range.

Laptop Weight 

If you are a professional, student, or traveler then Laptop Weight is the most important thing for you because you have to always carry the laptop with you.

The less weight your laptop has it is easy for you to carry your laptop. But if you are a gamer then you can skip this 

Because A gamer can game in a single place a place can be his studio aur gaming setup and they don’t need to carry their laptop anywhere.

But professionals should carry their laptop with them like office and meetings that’s why I have discussed this topic 

A normal laptop weight should be 1.3 kg to 1.6 kg if you are getting a laptop in this range that’s good for you.

Ports and Buttons 

Ports and buttons are another important part that you should consider to buy a good laptop for you. If you didn't get ports and buttons as per your need then it can be difficult for you 

Like you are a gamer and you want to connect your laptop with an HD Monitor but you don’t have an HDMI port in your laptop. So you can’t connect the second screen with your laptop 

Before buying a laptop you have to check that all ports that you need are available on the laptop. and You can consider a Numpad also 

Numpad is usually important for business persons but having a Numpad in a laptop is a better choice.

Graphics Card 

If you are going to buy a gaming laptop then Graphics Card is the most important thing to consider. If you have a better graphics card you can play games on higher fps and Graphics 

I always recommend you get a dedicated graphics card for gaming and video editing purpose. If you don’t know what is the dedicated graphics card you can read via this link 

If you are going to buy a productivity laptop then you can choose an integrated graphics card in your laptop. 

So I hope you understand how much important a graphics card is to your laptop and how can you select them.


Above we have discussed 7 important things that you have to consider before buying a new laptop. 

Every buyer should keep these things in his/her mind to select a perfect laptop in his/her budget.

If you have more questions about this topic then feel free to comment to us and ask your question we will solve your problem as soon as possible 

Thanks for reading this article we will come back soon 


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